
Breath + Body + Soul — curated for you

Decades of study, research, and personal experiences.

Self-Care, Mindset Faith Hunter Self-Care, Mindset Faith Hunter

Cut the Cords: 5 Ways to Release Attachments

Cutting the cords of attachment is a transformative process that opens you up to a world of new opportunities and experiences. By integrating meditation, breathwork, and journaling into your routine, and creating meaningful rituals, you prepare yourself to step into a life marked by emotional freedom and spiritual depth. Remember, the path of letting go is a journey, not a one-time act.

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Faith Hunter Faith Hunter

Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Balance, Transformation, and Self-Discovery

In the early hours of March 25, 2024, the moon will bathe itself in the Earth's shadow, marking the profound occurrence of a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Libra. This celestial event is not just a marvel of the cosmos; it's a beacon of transformative energy that calls each of us to delve into the realms of balance, relationships, and personal growth.

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Faith Hunter Faith Hunter

Navigating Through Heartbreak: A Guide to Healing After a Breakup

Experiencing a breakup is akin to being caught in a storm of emotions, where the sun of yesterday's love is obscured by today's clouds of heartache. Yet, it is within this wave that we are given the opportunity to rediscover ourselves and stitch new patterns of strength, resilience, and self-love.

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Faith Hunter Faith Hunter

Cultivating Empowering Relationships with Women and Building Community

At the heart of empowering relationships among women lies the understanding of feminine energy — a force characterized by intuition, empathy, creativity, and collaboration. When women come together, we create a powerful dynamic that can lead to profound personal growth and collective empowerment.

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Self-Care, Mindset Faith Hunter Self-Care, Mindset Faith Hunter

From Burden to Balance: Navigating Expectations

Navigating the labyrinth of internal and external expectations can often feel like walking a tightrope, where the slightest misstep could lead to a loss of balance between one's personal desires and the demands of the world. In a society that constantly bombards us with messages about who we should be, what we should achieve, and how we should act, finding a way to remain true to ourselves while meeting these expectations can seem daunting.

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Mindset Faith Hunter Mindset Faith Hunter

Embrace Feminine Energy & Wisdom

Explore the essence of feminine wisdom in this empowering blog post. Discover the strength, resilience, and intuitive power of women, celebrating their role as the architects of tomorrow. Dive deep into self-care, personal growth, and the unyielding spirit that propels humanity forward. A tribute to Women's History Month.

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Self-Care Faith Hunter Self-Care Faith Hunter

4 Lifestyle Skincare Tips for a radiant glow

True beauty, the kind that glows from within and radiates out, isn't just about what we apply to our skin but how we live our lives. As a beacon of wellness and a guide to the soulful path, I invite you to explore the profound impact of lifestyle choices on our skin's vitality.

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Mindset Faith Hunter Mindset Faith Hunter

Manifestation: The Neuroscience of Shifting Your Mindset for Success

The first step in the manifestation process is shifting your mindset from one of lack or limitation to one of abundance and possibility. This shift is crucial because the brain operates on a 'what you see is what you get' basis. If you focus on scarcity, your brain becomes attuned to scarcity and will manifest more of it in your life.

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Moon Cycles Faith Hunter Moon Cycles Faith Hunter

New Moon in Aquarius

Join me as we explore the astrological significance of this New Moon, dive into a meditation practice to harness its power, and create sacred spaces with altar suggestions and crystal energies. Let's align with the universe's rhythm and step into a higher version of ourselves.

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Mindset Faith Hunter Mindset Faith Hunter

Embrace the Legacy: 5 Mindful Reflections for MLK Day

On Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, as a black wellness activist and scholar, I find it crucial to engage in mindful reflections that honor Dr. King's legacy and reinforce my commitment to the principles he championed. This day is not just a moment for remembrance but an opportunity to actively connect with the values of equality, justice, and nonviolence.

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Faith Hunter Faith Hunter

Embracing the Capricorn New Moon:

As we sit in the energy of the transformative New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2024, it's the perfect time to delve into our spiritual practice and align our intentions with the cosmos. This celestial event is not just the first new moon of 2024; it's a powerful moment for grounding, reflecting, and manifesting our deepest desires.

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