New Moon in Leo - Embrace Your Radiant Self

connect authentically, be bold, and shine brightly.


The New Moon in Leo on August 16th invites us all into a realm of creativity, courage, and heart-centered love. As we approach this celestial moment, there's an opportunity to tap into the radiant and powerful energy that Leo brings, aligning with our true selves and embracing a life filled with passion and intention.

Ignite Your Creativity 🎨

Leo is a sign that thrives on expression and creativity. This New Moon encourages us to find joy in our artistic pursuits, whether painting, writing, dancing, or any other form of creative expression. Let your inner artist shine and experience the freedom that comes with full self-expression.

Align with Your Heart's Desires ❤️

Connected with the heart chakra, Leo's energy invites us to open our hearts to love, compassion, and empathy. Whether it's self-love or love for others, this is a time to nurture these feelings and foster deep, meaningful connections.

Manifest Your Dreams 🌟

The New Moon is traditionally seen as a time for new beginnings. With Leo's bold and confident energy, it's a powerful time to set clear intentions and take decisive action toward your dreams.

Affirmations to Embrace the New Moon in Leo 🦁

  1. I am bold, courageous, and full of radiant energy, embracing the unique light within me.

  2. With an open heart, I love deeply and authentically, aligning with my true desires and passions.

  3. I move as a creator, manifesting my dreams and living a life filled with joy, creativity, and intention.

Repeat these affirmations daily or as needed to connect with the powerful energy of the New Moon in Leo.

Journal Prompts to Reflect and Grow 🌱

  1. What creative pursuits ignite your soul, and how can you make space for them in your life?

  2. Describe a moment when you felt fully aligned with your heart's desire. How can you cultivate more of that feeling in your daily life?

  3. What bold steps can you take during this lunar phase to manifest your dreams and live more authentically?

Reflect on these journal prompts as you approach the New Moon in Leo. Let them guide you into deeper self-awareness and growth, embracing the transformative energy of this celestial moment.

Inside My Latest YouTube Mindful Moon Astrology Reading

Want to learn more about how you can harness the energy of the New Moon in Leo? Check out my latest mindful moon astrology reading on YouTube, where I delve deeper into how you can:

  • Ignite your creativity

  • Align with your heart's desires

  • Manifest your dreams

  • Grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually

New Offerings on 🌻

For those seeking to delve deeper into this celestial moment, exciting offerings await you in the Elevate by Faith app. Starting this month, Moon Meditations & Rituals will ONLY be available in the app. Members, your monthly Moon Meditation is ready for you to explore. If you're new to the app, discover a world of powerful meditation, breathwork, journaling prompts, and personally curated livestreams and workshops with a 7-day FREE Trial. Available on both Apple & Android platforms, this space is designed to guide and uplift you on your spiritual journey.

The New Moon in Leo on August 16, 2023, offers a rich opportunity to connect authentically, be bold, and shine your light brightly. Embrace the energy of this celestial moment with courage, joy, and intention. Remember, you are strong, and you are loved. Let your inner lion roar and elevate your being with this special lunar phase.


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